Save at the Pump
These days with the Economy driving Prices up the consumer needs to watch every penny. In Some households we are seeing the amount of money being spent on gas becoming greater than the house payment.
Luckily for us the fuel retailers are offering incentives to those who frequent there fueling stations. For example, you can pick up a speedy rewards card form Speedway or a U-Drive Card from United Dairy Farmers. How it saves you money is up to you. If you add a carwash at UDF, they will instantly knock off $.10 per gallon of gas. Buy 2 gallon of milk and they add the discount. But some ice cream get a discount added. All your discounts can be accumulated and used at your next purchase at the pump.
So just for buying the things you already buy anyway, they are saying thank you at the gas pump. Its nice to be able to save some money anyway you can and when you already are buying gas, why not save some there too. So take advantage of these offers and you will save money at the pump.